Saturday, December 27, 2008

quick update

Hi Everyone,
Hope you're all doing well! I miss you all very much. I have some updates in the technology realm. My dad is going to purchase a new mac (one of those need dual core ones) and he is giving me his old fifteen inch power book) hurrah! I am more of a mac person than I am a PC though I have gotten strangely attached to my thinkpad. Anyways in formatting the sweet ipod nano that y'all gave me for my birthday to the powerbook, I ran into a lot of glitches. I'm still working hard at trying to hear all the neat songs you've donated to me on the flash drive. It's the gift that keeps on giving. I'm thinking by the end of the year, I'll finally have my nano up and running. As you may have guessed I'm not necessarily having the most "spiritual" of vacations, particularly if my main update has to do with macs and nanos. note to self:) nonetheless, in the spirit of sharing what I've been reflecting on or learning - i'm just learning how great it is to "just be" whether it is spending time with the family, catching up on sleep, watching old reruns of Veronica Mars (don't ask) or fiddling with technology. one particularly sweet tradition we've developed is going to Saddleback for Christmas Eve. usually they have a candle lighting at the end of the service which is a real high light for me.


Friday, December 26, 2008

from 852

hi everyone, just wanted to say merry christmas and to let y'all know i'm still alive and thinking of you guys!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Rewind and replay

Wow, I've been home for a week! o.O
Today, I was thinking about how God has been showing me the same things over and over again this past quarter (and in life, in general). It's kind of like math class; every year, I learn the same things. For example, calculus is pretty much differentiation and integration and so every calculus class goes over differentiating and integrating. The thing is though, every time the math gets a bit more in-depth. First there was calculus with one variable, then with two variables, then with three variables ...then I stopped taking calc, haha. In a similar way, God keeps teaching me the same lessons, but each time, I feel like I'm taking one step further back and seeing the bigger picture a bit more and "getting it" a bit more.

Some things God has been showing me:

I am a sinner (like everyone else) - Consequently, I am not in any way better than any one else and do not have the right to condemn others. [John 8:3-11]

Love = obedience
- At one point in time these past months, I was doubting what love meant and whether or not I loved God. A friend of mine told me to look up John 14:21: "21Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

I do not understand grace - This past quarter, I have been "rationalizing" that I am not forgiving other people because I do not understand God's grace, yet, but once I finally do fully understand it, then I can forgive. I still do not understand it, but I think that's the whole point. God's grace is greater than anything that any human can comprehend because He is an infinite God and we are merely finite beings.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hong Kong --> Irvine, CA

Hey all,

Just wanted to check in with you and let you know what I've been up to since we all left Evanston. Going back home to Hong Kong was good, as it was good to see parents and catch up with friends as always. Somehow though, it didn't quite have the same effect as when I came home last year. After the first Fall Quarter I had during freshman year, going home seemed so surreal. It was like I had spent years away from Hong Kong with all its skyscrapers and the rush of the cosmopolitan life. I remember going down the roads of Causeway Bay (Chicago analogy: Michigan Avenue) with my friends, and it seemed like we were decades older then. This time, it seemed like I was home only yesterday. I did the same routines of seeing some of my good friends, and we did the same things like going to someone's house and playing Xbox, or playing basketball, or sitting in Starbucks doing nothing but chatting. However, there isn't the same sort of "I can't believe I'm home" feeling. Maybe I'm getting old. Or insensitive.

Grace and I got a chance to have lunch with Mr. Thompson, our old middle school teacher and friend, who is now married with a 3-month old boy named Jack (HE'S SO CUTE.) She shared about her extreme happiness and the place she found at NU, while I shared about HMCC and Access, as well as my experiences co-leading a LIFE group.

I also got to have dinner with my former youth pastor. Last time I had met him during the summer, there were real needs in the youth group ministry at our church, as many of the students were not connected well with one another, be it different schools or lack of interest in community at church. During dinner, I got to hear new developments from my youth pastor, that they have been doing a better job of bringing together the youth through prayer boxes and meetings, as well as movie nights and BNO/GNOs (boys night out, girls night out). My youth pastor has a newfound vision for the youth that I used to be a part of before going off to college, and it is our hope that they will develop a weekly youth group in addition to hangouts and Sundays, kind of like our ACCESS to our Sunday Celebrations.

I would like to really be able to reflect the past quarter with my parents especially. I am sharing with them my experiences as a first-time LIFE group co-leader, the challenges and the joys of leading and serving you guys. My mom is a full-time minister at our church back home, and she has the dream of serving in mainland China by reaching out to Chinese scholars (she spent a week in Shanghai a few weeks ago). She has a lot of experience, and is a warrior of prayer, and I have taken that for granted for 20 years of my life.

Overall, while this is a time for me to pause in my studies, I do not want to be complacent in my walk with the Lord. I want to be able to come back to Winter Quarter ready and willing to serve, as well as continue application in my life by learning from the mistakes I have made during Fall Quarter.

In terms of prayer, I would just like to you guys to pray that I be humble and vulnerable these next few weeks in reflection of struggles and mistakes the past quarter. My mom has been my spiritual mentor for my whole life now, and I will need prayer in order to truly open up to her and take her advice. I also would like to take this time to pray fervently for each and every one of you as you continue your journeys.

Sorry for such a long post, but take care of yourselves guys! Whatever you are going through right now, continue depending on the Lord's guidance, and let's all rejoice the birth of Jesus as Christmas is just around the corner!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's happenin' in Ohio

Hello all. I am freezing in Columbus, Ohio, and I decided it was time to update on my life! So far break has been really busy. I have been out spending time with my church friends, sleepovers, shopping like crazy (I haven't purchased much though... it's just that the only thing to do in Ohio is to visit stores), worship practices, and spending time with my family. I haven't had much time to just sit and take a breath, and this is the first time this week that I've finally forced myself to sit and reflect and journal a bit. I'm really happy to see all my friends again, tomorrow I'm visiting my high school, which I'm sure will be a lovely trip down memory lane.

I do have a prayer request... on Dec 27 - Jan 1 I am attending my Youth Group Winter Retreat, and I am singing on the worship team. We have practices twice a week, and we are slowly but steadily trying to improve, so please pray that we can be unified as a team and really learn to WORSHIP God during our practices and when we play, as opposed to just "playing music."

I am 95% certain that I'll be going on the Spring Break mission trip, my mom just hasn't given the full out "GO FOR IT" sign of approval yet. I'm still praying for that!

I miss you all!! I definitely feel like I'm missing this huge part of my life, which would be NORTHWESTERN PEOPLE. You guys should write posts too. =P

Saturday, December 13, 2008

On Christmas

Hi Everyone,
I hope you're all doing well! We just had our Christmas party last night at my place. It was "different" in the sense that we had a good handful of visitors come and play with us - Jen, Pup and Christina. I admit that it was a bit rushed on my end because I had to attend a work function straight afterwards and didn't get to REALLY hang out with the group. Needless to say, I had fun eating chicken shack and just enjoying the crazy gifts we were able to give to each other. To those of you who jetted out and left for home, we missed you!!! I hope that you'll continue to stay in touch through this blog as much as possible throughout the break. Keep your relationship with God alive and give me an email or call if you want to chat!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Hey Supernova!

I thought it would be a good idea to start up this blog so that we could keep in touch with the group as a whole during the Christmas break, and see how everyone is doing, if we're not able to call or facebook or chat with one another.

Feel free to post any random things that you have been doing during the winter break, prayer requests, praises, how your spiritual life is going, and just what you've been doing with your time. You can use this blog to spur one another on, and also share about your life back at home.

I put this up a bit earlier just so people can vent about their finals if they want to, haha. Here's to a wonderful, relaxing winter break for everyone in our LIFE group! Good luck with your finals (or projects) and let's continue being in prayer for one another and our campus!